1. Navigate to Schedule > Scheduler.
Once inside the scheduler, the default view is of the current week. This can be changed by clicking on the navigation arrows that point to the left and the right to move ahead to upcoming weeks or back to prior weeks. It is also possible to click inside the box and manually select dates from the calendar view.
By default, all employees schedules are shown. Individual employee schedules can be filtered out by selecting the employee filter box, then selecting desired name.
If desired, the schedule may be grouped by job. This selection can be toggled off and on by checking / unchecking the option at the top of the schedule page.
The schedule can be viewed in 3 different ways. Schedule view, Timeline view and List View.
The schedule also may be viewed from the perspective of all locations, or by any one of the locations previously set up.
2. To begin scheduling, hover over the inside the date box along the row of the person being scheduled to reveal a + symbol, and click. This will open a New event dialogue box, such as seen below.
3. Event type: Use the drop-down box by Event type to select the type of shift entry being entered into the schedule.
Regular shift: a shift to be worked by a specific person at a specific time.
Open shift: a sift that is available to be picked up by a single individual.
Unavailable time: A period of time in which a specific individual will be unavailable for schedule placement.
Paid time off: Time an individual has previously earned that is being taken off and compensated for.
Holidays: Time the company has given the individual off due to a company recognized holiday.
4. Date: The date selected from the calendar is defaulted in the date box. This can be modified by clicking inside the date box and changing the date from the calendar that populates.
5. Location: Select location by selecting inside the box labeled select location and highlighting the appropriate selection. Otherwise, leave it blank and no location will be associated with the entry. Note: If the inappropriate selection was made, it can be removed by clicking the "X" next to the location name listed in the box
6. Job: Select a job description by selecting inside the box labeled select job and highlighting the appropriate selection. Otherwise, leave it blank and no job type will be associated with the entry. Note: If the inappropriate selection was made, it can be removed by clicking the "X" next to the job type name listed in the box
7. Employees: Select the employee(s) to be scheduled by clicking inside the employee(s) box. Click on the name(s) to be scheduled. Note: multiple names may be selected.
8. Hours: Set the hours to be scheduled by clicking in the start or end hours box and enter the time. Note: AM and PM is a simple toggle.
9. Ends next day: Check if this is a one day only event. Or if this is a repeating event select More options.
10. Repeats on: Select with day(s) this event will repeat on by selecting S=Sunday,M=Monday, T= Tuesday,W= Wednesday,T= Thursday,F= Friday,S= Saturday.
11. Repeat: Select if this event will repeat Just this week, Weekly, Monthly or Annually. Note: If the event repeats beyond "this week", it is necessary to also select an end date or a number of occurrences.
12. Shift Notes: Leave any notes to be viewed in app about this entry or series of entries.
13. Add Event: Click the Add event button the finalize this new event. Note: Selecting Cancel will close the new event box down and no entry will be placed on the schedule.
When ready for the new schedule to be synced to the app, select Publish in the upper right corner.
A Publish schedule dialogue box will display in the center of the screen asking what it should do next. Select Notify staff, Notify staff and admin or Do not notify anyone.
It is possible to create split shifts. Just click inside the calendar day box and add a new event for the same day. If an overlapping schedule is attempted there will be a pop up warning asking for permission to continue.
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