1. Navigate to Settings > Shifts & Scheduling
2. Shift Length- Click inside the hours and minutes box to set the default shift length. This will help
the system determine the automatic shift length when creating schedules.
3. Company's working hours- Click inside the boxes to set up the company's default start and end
times. This will help the system determine the defaults for paid time off.
4. Workweek start day- Click inside the box to select the day of the week in which the week starts for
the company.
5. Overnight shifts- Select from options to tell the system how to handle overnight shift hours.
>The day the shift started- In the example above, if this setting is selected, all hours would be reported on Monday.
>The day the shift ended- in the example above, if this setting is selected, all hours would be reported on Tuesday.
>Both days, split according to hours worked each day. This setting will allocate the overnight hours to the day the time actually occurred on.
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