1. Navigate to Timesheets > Timesheets
2. If this is your first report, select Run Timesheet Report ( if not, skip to step 7)
3. Once the report is run, it may be reviewed or it may be modified by selecting "add" - which will allow
a shift or time off to be added.
4. The individual timesheet may also be viewed / modified by selecting the ^ carrot to the right of the
workers name
5. Selecting "view" to the right of each entry will open an edit dialogue, where you can modify the
6. When the Timecard is ready for approval, you are able to Approve All, or approve selected.
7. Select the Filter icon and then filter the appropriate data and run the report, or if the report is
already approved, select View
8. Run report- Select Run report to generate the report with the selections made, or select Clear Filters to clear all selections
The report will generate for each day and will provide both a summary for the period and the individual.
9. In the upper right of the screen, select the drop down arrow next to print pdf to download the
appropriate .csv report to the task bar of your browser. Open this file and save it to a destination of
10. To Import into Wagepoint, go to your Wagepoint Payroll Account. Then in the Payroll section, click
11. Click "Import Hours" and navigate to the correct Time by Wagepoint Report file and click "Open"
12. The hours will show in the Wagepoint Payroll Account.
13. Click "Save" and "Next" to move to the next steps on the following screens to confirm and submit
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