Navigate to the Settings Icon > Account Settings > Settings tab.
Set the toggle to 'Yes' for the advanced settings you want to activate for your company.
Job titles – required if you use departments to organize employees for better reporting and if employees have more than one job assignment with different rates of pay. Once turned on, navigate to the Company > More > Job titles tab to add roles.
Departments – required to organize employees who have multiple assignments. Once turned on, navigate to Company > More > Departments tab to add departments.
Multiple locations – useful if your business operates in multiple locations and employees or contractors work from different office locations. Once turned on, navigate to Company > More > Locations tab to add locations.
Employees paid by direct deposit (default: Yes) – company level setting to enable or disable direct deposit for net payments to employees and contractors. Note: direct deposit requires payroll to be approved by 12pm EST three (3) working days prior to the desired pay date.
Tax remitted for you (default: Yes) – company level setting to enable or disable Wagepoint from paying tax remittances automatically.
- Auto-submit tax forms (default: Yes) – company level setting to allow Wagepoint to submit year-end forms to the government on your behalf. If it's set to No, the employer is responsible for submitting the information to the CRA and giving staff their T4s/T4As/RL1s.
Payroll timesheet format – select the timesheet format (decimals or time) in which employee work hours will be recorded.
My employee account – select the employee account associated with you (the payroll administrator). Allows you to access your employee and administrator account using admin login credentials.
Save changes to activate/deactivate tabs.
P.S. You can also personalize your Wagepoint account by adding an Avatar from within the Settings Icon > Account settings > Company settings tab.
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